Friday, November 2, 2007

Helpful Bowling Techniques For Beginners

Every sport has its own techniques on how to learn easily the game. As for the sport of bowling, even though it is not that difficult to learn, there are techniques to help the beginners to learn the nature of the game quickly. These bowling techniques are very easy to apply and any beginner can aptly execute in no time.

First you have to know the right bowling ball for you. Choosing the right ball is first on the list of bowling techniques. The sport of bowling requires timing and coordination so it is important that a bowler must select a ball that is easy to handle. The bowling ball should not be too heavy or light, and should feel comfortable and natural on the bowler’s hand. The thumb of the throwing hand should fit into the whole provided for the thumb and rotates with only minor friction. To measure a proper grip, the bowler’s two middle fingers should be stretched over the finger holes.

Most bowlers use a natural and relaxed four-step delivery method; that is taking four steps on the approach aiming the pins, and then gliding while releasing the ball towards the pins. In determining your proper starting position, your feet should stand at the middle of the foul line, facing away from the pins and then take four and a half steps forward. You should then turn and face the pins, memorizing their proportionate position to the target markings. Every time you step up to make a throw, you should start the delivery from the same spot. As you gain experience, lesser adjustments can be made for comfort or preference.

After finding the correct starting position, you should face the pins focus on them, and with the fingers of the throwing hand in the holes, let the weight of the bowling ball rest on the nonthrowing hand somewhere between the shoulder and the waist. For right- handers, the ball should be held slightly the right side or left side for left- handers of the bowler’s body. Most experienced bowlers keep their feet reasonably close together with the left foot slightly forward, and the knees gently curved. This applies to right-handers only.

Throwing a ball using a four-step delivery: These bowling techniques are for right-handers only.

Step one: Move the ball and right foot down and forward in a slow, short movement.

Step two: Keep your arm close to your body, take a step with the left foot and let the ball swing backwards.

Step three: Take a step forward with your right foot as the ball reaches the top of the backswing, the ball should be a little above the waist. Your left arm should be extended for balance.

Step four: Shift your body weight from your right to left foot while bending your left knee and let the ball swing naturally forward. You do not have to do anything more afterwards.

You should glide with your right leg extended back as your right arm lifts the ball over the foul line and releases it toward the pins. After the release, your follow-through should be a continuation of the arc that started with the backswing.

For first-timers, you should concentrate on tossing the ball at the front pin and develop a smooth, and relaxed delivery. The common errors incurred by beginners are overswing, concentrating too much on pinpoint accuracy, and not releasing the ball close to the floor.

From the bowling techniques discussed above, if followed properly, you will greatly improve your bowling performance and with constant practice, you will surely become very good at it.